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Leaving Residential Care to go home… to Retirement!

Dennis has given his wife both a few scares and a few laughs over the past few years.

After suffering a heart attack and two strokes, he says he “can’t remember arriving to live at Bucklands, as it was all a blur” but he “has made some great friends and acquaintances during his time there”.

When Dennis first arrived at Bucklands he was a very unwell man, and this was in part due to prescription complications and all the medical issues. But not one to slow down, in this past year, he has also given his (now) wife a wedding and a reason to bring him home.

He is back to full working order, with just a bit of a wobble in the legs.

Teresa, his wife says, he is better than ever and it’s a joy to “have my husband back.”

Once the move home to Riverpoint Retirement is settled, they intend to enjoy their time together taking shorter holiday trips. They have recently sold their caravan and big four-wheel drive and are content to keep life simpler. Teresa has nothing but praise for both locations. She is immensely grateful for Bucklands returning her husband to her, but also loves her life at Riverpoint Retirement. She says, it’s a very social crowd who are always laughing. She enjoys the activities and social happy hours in the community hall.

It will be the welcome home party on Riverpoint Retirement’s social calendar next, we are sure.

But on this occasion, it was a farewell party at Bucklands.

And while this style of party is not a common occurrence, it was welcome.

Bucklands Lifestyle Coordinator, said, “We are so proud to be part of his recovery - it just shows that everything is possible when one has the will, the help and the love of those around him. We are very proud of our staff and the individual care we give out residents - being one of first sites to open a Health & Wellness Centre - has helped in the process. “

In fact, embedding a better quality of life into the systems at Bucklands Residential Care recently received a Better Practice Award. At the time, Bucklands Residential Care Manager, Ms Jane Templer said, “Our residential aged care facility sought to meaningfully enrich the quality of life of our residents. One of the most special social relationships outcomes was a wedding in January 2016. While the Health and Wellness officer can’t take credit for the wedding itself, it was the goal of the groom to walk down the aisle and he achieved this with support.

And now they can celebrate a new milestone; that of Dennis going home to live with his wife.

An impressive outcome for all.

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